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Basketball is a team sport in which two teams,
most commonly of five players each, opposing one another on a rectangular court,

compete with the primary objective of shooting a basketball (approximately 9.4 inches (24 cm) in diameter)
through the defender's hoop (a basket 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter mounted 10 feet (3.048 m) high to a backboard at each end of the court), while preventing the opposing team from shooting through their own hoop. A field goal is worth two points, unless made from behind the three-point line, when it is worth three. After a foul, timed play stops and the player fouled or designated to shoot a technical foul is given one, two or three one-point free throws. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but if regulation play expires with the score tied, an additional period of play (overtime) is mandated.


Urán (latinsko uranium) je kemični element, ki ima v periodnem sistemu simbol U in atomsko število 92. Ta težek, srebrno-bel, strupen, kovinski, naravno radioaktiven element pripada skupini aktinidov. Njegov izotop uran-235 se uporablja kot gorivo v jedrskih reaktorjih in jedrskem orožju. Uran navadno najdemo v zelo malih količinah v kameninah, prsti, vodi, rastlinah in živalih (vključno z ljudmi). V naravi se nahaja kot uran-238 (99.2739–99.2752%), uran-235 (0.7198–0.7202%), in zelo majhna količina uranium-234 (0.0050–0.0059%).[3] Uran počasi razpada z alfa razpadom. Razpolovni čas urana-238 je 4.47 milijarde let, U-235 pa 704 milijonov let.[4]. U-235 je edini material v naravi, ki se cepi (fisija). U-238 postane cepilen, če sprejme hitre nevtrone, ki ga transmutirajo v plutonij-239. Če sprejme torij nevtron transmutira uran-233, ki je tudi cepilen. Oba dva izotopa sta pomembna energetska vira v jedrski tehniki, ker je uran-235 sorazmerno malo.


x2 + 2x = 3, rešitev: x1 = -3, x2 = 1
